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Gender: Colombia Says "No"   versione testuale
The country's streets and squares were "invaded" by citizens opposed to pro-gender teaching in the schools

 A real "river of white clothes"—that is how the Colombian described the whiteness of the children, who peacefully invaded the streets of Barranquilla, Cartagena, Medellin and the capital, Bogota, in recent days. There were thousands of people, principals, teachers, parents, and children, marching to cry out their opposition to the Government, which had expressed its readiness to include sex education programs inspired by gender ideology in the textbooks.

On the eve of the march, the Archbishop of Bogota, Cardinal Rubén Salazar Gómez, reiterated the Church's position on the issue in a press conference, noting that "gender ideology destroys society," because it deprives the human being of the fundamental "male-female complementarity." The protesters loudly called for the resignation of Gina Parody, the Education Minister, who for months has been leading the battle to introduce gender into public schools.

In Barranquilla, the procession ended in the Plaza de la Paz, in front of Queen Mary's Cathedral. Speaking before the crowd that filled the square—with a capacity of nearly 22,000 people—, Msgr. Victor Tamayo, Auxiliary Bishop of Barranquilla, invited the minister to "live in reality and look at the country's base. She must reflect and consider whether she is still able to represent the people."

The controversy arose after the Ministry of Education decided to distribute a guide against discrimination based on sexual orientation, in line with the indications of the UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund that promotes gender equality) and UNICEF, in all of Colombia's primary schools. The Colombians complain that these guides state that no one is born male or female, but gender is a cultural construction.


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