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Poland Thanks the Family   versione testuale
The Polish Bishops recently published an official statement in which they express the unified point of view that will be their throughout the October Synod

The Bishops of Poland have decided to issue an official note, with nine points, presenting their position with respect to the rapidly approaching Ordinary Synod on the family. Fidelity to indissoluble marriage, remarried divorcees, cohabitation, and artificial insemination are some of the most important issues considered.
In fact, for the Polish pastors, "marriage and the family represent one of the most precious human goods," and we must "thank God for the fact that, in our country, there are many healthy families who, in 'good and bad fortune,' care daily about the fidelity to their vocation." Moreover, "in the Catholic Church, there is no divorce nor are there processes that lead to divorce. There are only processes in which it is determined, individually, whether the marriage was valid or not." The text then says that "artificial insemination is not to be used by Catholics" and that it is always recommended to give "a complete Catholic funeral" in the case of miscarriage and stillbirths. The Polish Bishops' Conference therefore calls on the Synod to express "gratitude to the spouses who have chosen to have many children," including couples "who have chosen to adopt." Family ministry should then be deployed, by giving greater importance to the "care for the poorest families, for families with disabled persons and elderly couples." Yet, just as important, say the Bishops, is the attention given to "families who are separated because certain members have migrated for reasons of employment" and to "fair payment for work." Moreover, the Church is called to include in her life, with renewed effort, "the people who live alone" and to oppose cohabitation by showing greater appreciation for marriage, especially through better preparation of young people for the sacrament. The final point of the note addresses the debate on the access of remarried divorcees to the Eucharist, highlighting the unchangeable character of the doctrine, which indicates that, in order to receive Holy Communion, one must be in the state of grace. The Bishops then directly quote Pope Francis, who stressed that "the Eucharist is not a private prayer or beautiful spiritual experience" but rather implies "entering into communion with the heart of Christ, adopting his choices, his thoughts, his attitudes."

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