PCPF eng - Church
The Greatest Treasure
A call launched by the Plenary Assembly of the Bishops of Gabon to defend the "inalienable values of the family"

With the hope of "promoting and defending the inalienable values of the family" and encouraging "all those who contribute to marriage preparation, the accompaniment of the couple, especially at the beginning of their union, and to mutual listening," the Bishops of Gabon concluded their Plenary Assembly, which was held in Libreville, from 13 to 16 January, in view of the upcoming Ordinary General Synod.
In the final document, Gabon‘s Bishops reaffirm "the importance of the family," "society‘s fundamental cell" and " a country‘s greatest treasure, which occupies a preeminent place in human experience." On the one hand, the Conference recalls the positive developments that took place within the family, for example "the increasingly clear recognition of the rights of women and children, the awareness of the dialogue between the spouses and emotional life, and the growing number of religious marriages between young people." On the other hand, the Bishops pointed out the many difficulties and challenges facing families today, as "victims of secularization." The Bishops evoke the "Christian marriage, which founds the family as an indissoluble union between a man and a woman, open to life," while stressing the "strong condemnation" of "all attacks on the family and society, such as abortion, euthanasia, and homicide."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 30-GEN-15

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