PCPF eng - Events
Women and the Family in Iran
The PCF meets an official delegation of Iranian women chaired by the Vice-president of the Islamic Republic of Iran for Women and Family Affairs

"It is essential for all, and especially believers of Abrahamic religions, to meet for moments of reflection and work to promote and defend the family and the dignity of women throughout the world as well as in various national and international entities." The President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, said this in the speech that inaugurated the official meeting with the delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the Dicastery, on February 12th, which focused on the role of the family and women in today‘s society.
The Iranian delegation, led by the Ambassador to the Holy See, H.E. Mr. Mohammad Taher Rabbani, and chaired by Ms. Shahindokht Molaverdi, Vice-president of the Islamic Republic of Iran for Women and Family Affairs, was composed of five women engaged in various cultural, social and religious fields. This representation met, in a friendly and cordial climate, with the Vatican delegation, which also includes women such as Dr. Flaminia Giovanelli, Undersecretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, and Sister Mary Melone, Rector of the University Antonianum.
At the conclusion of his speech, addressing Ms. Shahindokht Molaverdi personally, Msgr. Paglia emphasized that "this meeting takes place in a propitious atmosphere: on the day of the National Holiday of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Now, this is undoubtedly a promising start. Today we want to say to you and your delegation that we feel particularly close to the Iranian people, the Iranian families, the Iranian women, and we hope the entire Country may see ever more clearly a future of development and peace."

Link al servizio sulla visita della Vice Presidente Molaverdi su RAINews24

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 18-FEB-15

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