PCPF eng - Church
Give Life to the Family
Starting in October, in the context of on-going formation for priests, a new course in family ministry will be promoted by the Pontifical John Paul II Institute

A course on family ministry, in the context of on-going formation, will allow especially priests, deacons, and religious to respond more competently to the challenges posed by the social dimension of marriage and the family. Under the title "The Good Shepherd Gives His Life for the Family" this course, sponsored by the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family (www.istitutogp2.it), will start on 6 October at the Pontifical Lateran University.
The part-time course, which will last two months (until 26 November, held every week, from Tuesday morning until noon on Thursday), allows priests to continue their pastoral work in the parish or diocese. It will make an adapted website, with several sections (anthropology, moral theology, pastoral ministry and social studies) available, while the stay in Rome will also make it possible to share testimonies, to participate in workshops and cultural programs, and to share the Eucharist, "the center and source of this unity of vocations that animates all of the Church‘s action."
The initiative has been developed in particular with the collaboration of the National Offices of the Italian Episcopal Conference for Family Ministry and Vocational Ministry.
For registration and more information, write to: formazione@istitutogp2.it, or call: +39 06 698 86113.
 Il Depliant

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 22-MAG-15

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