PCPF eng - Church
On the Way to the Priesthood
In Prague, a meeting on how to journey with young people towards priesthood and religious life starting from the family in today’s world

"How to Journey with Young People towards Priesthood and Religious Life Starting from the Family in Today’s World." This is the theme of the meeting promoted from 6 to 9 July in Prague by the the CCEE Commission for vocations, with the participation of the Directors of the European Vocations Service (EVS).
Fr. Kamil Škoda will give a testimony with his parents, Josef and Jitka Škodovi, about the ‘‘Influence of the Family in the Priestly Vocation."
On Tuesday, the topic "A Reading of the Socio-Cultural Situation of the Family in Europe: Criteria and Guidelines for Education in the Faith and Welcoming Vocations," will be reported on by Attilio Danese, Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Chieti, and Giulia Paola Di Nicola, Professor of Family Sociology at the same university.
Wednesday‘s theme, "How to Journey with Young People towards Priesthood and Religious Life Starting from the Family in Today’s World," will be addressed in an intervention by Msgr. Jorge Carlos Patròn Wong, Secretary for the seminar of the Congregation for the Clergy.
Finally, on Thursday, testimonies on the vocation to the consecrated life in the Czech Republic will be presented.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 07-LUG-15

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