PCPF eng - Church
The Importance of Remaining Faithful
An intervention by Msgr. Bruno Forte in Bari highlights the connection between the Book of Revelation and conjugal love

A fascinating parallel between the Book of Revelation and the marital liturgy has recently been developed, within the conjugal relationship, by Msgr. Forte, Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto, on the occasion of the "National Liturgical Week," in Bari.
The lecture, entitled "Every Liturgical Celebration is a Wedding Feast. The Eucharistic Dimension of the Life of the Couple and the Family," began with the epilogue of Revelation ("The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!‘ ... ‘Yes, I am coming soon.‘ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus"), which reveals that the entire book speaks the language of spousal love, preserved by the presence of the Lord and the confident expectation of his glorious return.
Examining this true mystery of love, Msgr. Forte writes: "What matters is remaining faithful to the Revelation: the faithfulness to the Beloved, even in the darkness of night and the heartbreak of testing, is the meaning of life, the victory that overcomes the world, the ultimate meaning of history and the both wonderful and terrible scene of this passing world. This faithfulness is at once unique and twofold: to earth and to heaven, to time and eternity, to men and to God. Living in the strength that the liturgy offers us means combining the two into a single, faithful love: now, we understand how necessary this help is to those who have promised eternal love and must face the daily burden of renewing the ‘yes‘ of this love in the humble, routine of each day."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 08-SET-15

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