PCPF eng - Events
The Deeper Truth
CCEE President Cardinal Erdő to the families of Nazareth: "Strengthen solidarity between the generations"

"We need to strengthen families, build communities composed of Christian families who help each other in the difficulties of daily life, but who also meet to pray together, explore the faith and give one another mutual support, including when couples and families are going through times of crisis, and strengthen solidarity between the generations." These are the words spoken by Cardinal Peter Erdő, CCEE President, at the meeting with the families of Nazareth, on September 12th.
"The story of the family of Nazareth—he continued—teaches us the deepest truth about man. [...] Jesus was born in poor circumstances, in Bethlehem. He accepted being persecuted, to flee to Egypt and, later, to return to Nazareth with his family. He renounced wealth, when he accepted to be the son of an oppressed people in the great Roman Empire. However, he did not abandon his family. He wanted to grow up in a family atmosphere of work, love, and prayer. Precisely in his childhood, we see what is important for a human being." The Cardinal, in the Holy Land with the Bishops of the Council of Episcopal Conferences for their General Assembly, which will end on Wednesday, September 16th, highlighted how the family is the "school of understanding, sharing, respectful love, mutual service, kindness, sensitivity and generosity. Even today the family is essential, indispensable. Preparing ourselves for the next Synod of Bishops, we have listened to testimonies from around the world. One of today‘s characteristic trends is individualism. Yet, human beings are born to live in community. This is why the family is the image of the Holy Trinity. We are not born for isolation and loneliness, but we have the vocation to love God and our neighbor."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 16-SET-15

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