PCPF eng - Church
Fonts of Hope
The words of Pope Francis at the Vigil for the Synod in St. Peter‘s Square: "Light up man’s night"

"What good is it to light a little candle in the darkness? Is there not a better way to dispel the darkness? Can this darkness even be overcome?" With these questions, Pope Francis began his intervention at the Family Vigil in St. Peter‘s Square, promoted by the Italian Bishops‘ Conference on Saturday, October 3rd, on the eve of the Ordinary Synod on the family.
Francis called the faithful to pray that the synod "may show how rich and humanly fulfilling the experience of marriage and family is; acknowledge, esteem, and propose all that is beautiful, good and holy in that experience; embrace situations of vulnerability that make it suffer: war, illness, grief, wounded relationships and fraying that lead to distress, resentment and separation; and remind these families, and all families, that the Gospel is always ‘good news‘ that makes it possible to start again."
"Every family is always a light, however faint, in the darkness of this world," said the Pope, before citing the impact that the spirituality of Nazareth had on Charles de Foucauld: "To understand the family today, we too need to enter into the mystery of the family of Nazareth, into its hidden daily life, so similar to that of most families, with their problems and their simple joys; a life woven of serene patience in adversity, respect for others, humility that is freeing and blossoms in service; a life of fraternity springs from a sense of being a part of a unique body."
The place of "evangelical holiness," "discernment," and "gratuity," but also "a discreet, fraternal and supportive presence," the family "teaches us to go beyond ourselves and accept others, to forgive and to be forgiven." The Church, like a family, —according to the Pope—"shows the closeness and love of a father, who as a responsible guardian protects without confining, corrects without demeaning, educating by his example and patience." She is also an open house, "far from outward splendor, welcoming in the simple style of her members and, so, sensitive to the hope for peace that is in each person’s heart, including those who—amid life’s trials—have wounded and suffering hearts. This Church—said the Pope—can indeed light up man‘s darkness."
During the vigil, in which Church associations and movements took part, some spouses and engaged couples gave their testimonies.
Apertura del Sinodo dei Vescovi sulla Famiglia 2015

Relazione introduttiva al Sinodo sulla Famiglia

Conferenza stampa sulla prima sessione dei lavori del Sinodo sulla famiglia

Veglia di preghiera per il Sinodo sulla Famiglia

Santa Messa per l‘apertura del Sinodo sulla Famiglia

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 06-OTT-15

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