PCPF eng - Culture
An Encyclopedia in the Service of Life
MARRIpedia is the name of the new on-line tool created in the United States to make known the most important achievements of the social sciences in the field of family, marriage, religion and sexuality

What are the effects of religious practice on health, education and work ethics? What are those that by marriage produces in a couple‘s relationship? Furthermore, what emotional and financial stability is found in cohabitation? In what ways does a greater presence of the mother in the home benefit the family and society? These are just some of the questions answered on MARRIpedia, on the basis of data and figures.
MARRIpedia is an online social science encyclopedia on all matters related to family, marriage, religion, and sexuality. It synthesizes and translates the work of a myriad social scientists into concise, issue-specific entries that are intelligible even to the lay reader.
"We hope to facilitate—says the promoters of this very timely site—societal changes by delivering the power of robust social science findings to the actors in families, churches, schools, and other ‘people-forming‘ institutions. Thus informed, citizens can effect changes for the good. Our encyclopedia is an important resource for any student, parent, policy maker, reporter or blogger who wants to become an informed and proactive player in improving society."
MARRIpedia is an initiative developed by MARRI Research, the American Marriage and Religion Research Institute, an observatory with its own original research projects, whose work is fully dedicated to making data of social research on the impact of marriage and the practice of religion on society, especially North American, available to the public.
Discover MARRIpedia
Go to the site of MARRI Research

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 21-NOV-15

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