PCPF eng - Church
New Roads for a New Encounter
Enriched by the recent Synod, the Pontifical John Paul II Institute is offering several new approaches to family ministry during the current academic year and the coming one

For the Pontifical John Paul II Institute, the time has come to make the results gathered since the last Synod on the family bear fruit. Through many original courses of formation, the roman academy is offering, for this academic year and for the coming one, a new approach to family ministry, aimed at valuing the sensitivity—recently expressed during the Synod assembly—with respect to the family.
The series will begin on February 8th with a mini-course given by visiting professors (that will end on 12th of the same month) under the title "Practices of good living for a family culture." Then, in March, there will be a day of pastoral formation on the theme "‘Living the Truth of Love.‘ Pastoral ministry with people who are attracted to those of the same sex." In addition, a course of canonical and pastoral updating "‘Mitis iudex Iesus.‘ On new procedures of matrimonial nullity" is scheduled for May.
With the opening of the academic year 2016-2017, it will be possible to take part, from October 4 to November 24, in the formation course (in collaboration with CEI) "Family ministry for priests," which will be the forerunner to the five-day course "Splendor and ambiguity of sex. Is education possible?" (scheduled for February), the seminar "‘Balm on the Wounds‘. Pastoral care for the wounds of abortion and divorce," and another seminar, scheduled for May, on "The pastoral commitment with the poor and marginalized families."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 12-GEN-16

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