PCPF eng - Church
Possible Paths
A collection of projects for sexual and affective education from the Forum of Family Associations

A major educational campaign to make concrete paths—i.e., projects capable of translating ideas into practicable initiatives—available to families, communities, schools, associations, and to all who care about the future of children. This proposal has been made by the Forum of Family Associations in response to the report that has put the spotlight on the emotional disorientation that particularly affects younger people.
A few years ago, family associations began making a survey of the work accomplished in the field of emotional and sexual education: dozens of projects developed by associations, communities, collectivities, and all the collected material can be found on the Forum‘s website under "II filo e la rete."
In Puglia, for example, the interactive multimedia exhibition "La luna nel pozzo" (The moon in the well) intended to help young people to discover their sexuality, has already been introduced in 18 schools and used with thousands of teenagers. Same positive destiny The project "II corpo racconta" (The body recounts), developed by the Centro lombardo metodo Billings is experiencing the same success. Furthermore, the program entitled "Mi piaci. L’amore ai tempi di Facebook" (I Like. Love in the age of Facebook), conceived by the lucendo Foundation of Reggio Emilia, has in recent years allowed its promoters to meet nearly 2,200 students in primary and secondary schools in Emilia Romagna.
According to the Forum‘s President, Gigi De Palo, it is "necessary to put opposition aside and to go on to the proposals. We have such a wealth of educational proposals that it would be unpleasant to be considered by those who are only capable of saying ‘no‘." This fact has led to the initiative "Immischiati a scuola" (Mixed in school), which will collect educational projects, not exclusively in the field of sexuality and affectivity, developed in the 500 associations that constitute the Forum. A catalog of good educational practices will soon be made available.
For information and details: www.forumfamiglie.org

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 22-SET-16

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