PCPF eng - Church
La famiglia al Sinodo/22
Sabato, 27 - Dall‘elenco finale delle Proposizioni

Secondo le norme dell’Ordo Synodi Episcoporum (cf. Artt. 15 e 39), il testo ufficiale in latino dell’ Elenco finale delle Proposizioni delle Assemblee Generali Ordinarie del Sinodo dei Vescovi, oggetto di voto personale da parte dei Padri Sinodali, è destinato al Sommo Pontefice, al quale viene debitamente consegnato. Tale testo per sua natura è riservato e non viene pubblicato per rispettare il carattere consultivo e propositivo dell’Assise sinodale.
Per benevola decisione il Santo Padre Benedetto XVI concede in questa occasione che una versione in lingua inglese, provvisoria, ufficiosa e non ufficiale, a cura della Segreteria Generale del Sinodo dei Vescovi, venga pubblicata nel Bollettino della Sala Stampa della Santa Sede.
According to the norms set down in the Ordo Synodi Episcoporum (cf. Articles 15 and 39), the Latin is the official text of the Final List of Propositions of Ordinary General Assemblies of the Synod of Bishops, which is submitted to the vote of the synod fathers and destined for the Supreme Pontiff, to whom it is dutifully consigned. By its very nature, this text is confidenial and, therefore, not published out of respect for the consultative character of the synodal assembly.
On this occasion, with the kind permission of the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, the provisional, unofficial English version, prepared under the auspices of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, is published in the Bulletin of the Holy See Press Office.
Established by the sacrament of matrimony, the Christian family as the domestic Church is the locus and first agent in the giving of life and love, the transmission of faith and the formation of the human person according to the values of the gospel. In imitating Christ, the whole Church must dedicate herself to supporting families in the catechesis of children and youth. In many cases the grandparents will have a very important role.
At the same time the New Evangelization should strive to address significant pastoral problems around marriage, the case of divorced and remarried, the situation of their children, the fate of abandoned spouses, the couples who live together without marriage and the trend in society to redefine marriage.
The Church with maternal care and evangelical spirit should seek appropriate responses for these situations, as an important aspect of the new evangelization.
Every pastoral plan of evangelization should also include a respectful invitation to all those who live alone, to experience God in the family of the Church.
It is necessary to educate people in how to live human sexuality according to Christian anthropology, both before marriage as well as in marriage itself.
The Synod notes with appreciation those families who leave their homes in order to be evangelizers for Christ in other countries and cultures.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 06-FEB-15

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