PCPF eng - Church
The House on the Rock
A Course of Spiritual Exercises for Engaged Couples Given by Karol Wojtyla

The author is Karol Wojtyla. The book is bears the title: “Costruire la casa sulla roccia. Esercizi spirituali per i fidanzati” (Building the House on the Rock. Spiritual Exercises for the Engaged). This is a course preached by the young Auxiliary Bishop of Cracow from 19 to 21 December 1960.
53 years later the Polish text has been translated and published in Italian by the meriting publishing house “Punto Famiglia”, which has been engaged for some years in diffusing the Gospel of the family and of life. Collections and Manuals aim at encouraging especially young couples to prepare for the joy of Christian marriage.
There are three meditations: “Giurare la verità davanti a Dio” (Swearing the Truth Before God); “L’amore creatore e la fedeltà sino alla fine” (The Creating Love and Loyalty to the End) e “L’onesta coniugale” (Marital Honesty).
The volume begins with a Presentation by Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, who writes: “A Pastor who will become a great Pope speaks in this book. Let us treasure up his wisdom, which continues to amaze those who receive it.”
In the appendix there are some testimonies, “In cammino con don Karol” (On the road with Father Karol), and a series of pictures and words that enhance the visual beauty of the publication.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 11-MAR-13

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