PCPF eng - Events
The PCF Presents Events for the Year of the Synod
Meetings, conferences, seminars, and prayer vigils. Msgr. Paglia and the Archbishop of Philadelphia, Msgr. Chaput, commented on the upcoming events sponsored by the Pontifical Council for the Family

"The providential choice of Pope Francis to put the family at the center of reflection and public debate concerns not only Catholics and Christians. It is an appeal to all men and women around the world to meet and seek what is true, good and beautiful in the experience of the family, in the mystery of faithful and life-giving love. The PCF has taken on the responsibility to promote this full-scale commitment, its guidelines and initiatives, in the coming months."
With these words Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, began presenting to the media the forthcoming commitments of his Dicastery, for the period starting this September and extending throughout 2015. During the press conference, in which the Archbishop of Philadelphia, Msgr. Charles Joseph Chaput, took part, the official picture of the VIII World Meeting of Families and the catechesis that will animate the event, to be held in the United States next year, from 22 to 27 September, were also presented.
The most outstanding events among those organized by the PCF for the Year of the Synod ‒ in addition to "The Blessing of Long Life," the meeting of the elderly and grandparents with Pope Francis, scheduled for September 28 ¬‒ are: the international conference of associations, movements and groups for the family and life entitled "Re-reading Together the Extraordinary Synod on the Family" that will be held next year from 22 to 24 January; the prayer vigil in Santa Maria Maggiore for "The Twentieth Anniversary of the Encyclical Evangelium Vitae," scheduled for March 24th, 2015; and the national seminar on current research related to the theme "The Family, a Resource for Society" (no date fixed yet).
After the presentation of the PCF’s upcoming activities, Archbishop Chaput presented the ten catechesis that will prepare the faithful for Philadelphia 2015 as well as the official picture of the event: he particularly insisted on the fact that it depicts, "along with the traditional figures of the Holy Family—Jesus, Mary and Joseph—, the parents of the Blessed Virgin: Saints Joachim and Anna. They are a visual reminder intended to highlight how, today and throughout history, the Christian family is composed of both the young and the elderly, thus promoting all types of intergenerational relationships."
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