PCPF eng - Society
The Family as the Basis of Society and Rights
An entire session of the Catholic Social Days for Europe will be dedicated to the family, in Madrid, on September 18th to 21st

The family, as the basis of society and human rights, will be discussed at the Catholic Social Days for Europe, in Madrid, on September 18th to 21st. The theme of these Days, promoted by the two institutions of the Catholic Bishops of Europe (CCEE and COMECE) with the Archdiocese of Madrid and the collaboration of the Spanish Bishops‘ Conference, will be "Christian Faith and the Future of Europe."
Schanda Balázs, professor at the Catholic University of Budapest, will speak on "Human Person as ‘pre-political‘ Foundation of human rights," and Breda O‘Brien, columnist for The Irish Times, will give a lecture on " Marriage and family: school of belonging and participation in the common good." The topic "Freedom and Education" will be discussed by Anne Coffinier, General Director of the "Foundation pour l‘École." Hildingsson Maria, General Secretary of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe, will speak about the demographic crisis and family policies in Europe, and Antonio Pardo Caballos, University of Navarra, will speak on "Human Life in the Technological Age."
The main working sessions can be followed on streaming: www.catholicdays.eu  - www.archimadrid.es  - www.conferenciaepiscopal.es
Other documents : www.catholicdays.eu



Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 22-SET-14

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