PCPF eng - Church
Maturing and Discerning
The results of the Extraordinary Synod on the Family were at the center of the assembly of the Swiss Bishops‘ Conference, which recently came for the Ad Limina Visit

The results of the third Extraordinary Synod on the Family were at the center of the ordinary assembly held by the Swiss Bishops‘ Conference (CES) in late November, in Delémont, with the objective of preparing the "Ad Limina Visit" with Pope Francis, which ended on 5 December.
During this preparatory assembly, chaired by the President of the Conference, Msgr. Markus Büchel, who took part in last October’s Synod, all the prelates "said they were aware of the fact that, as Pope Francis indicated, we must let the ideas proposed by the Synod mature, with true spiritual discernment, until the next Ordinary Assembly of Bishops," which is scheduled to be held in the Vatican in October 2015 and will also be dedicated to the family.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 12-DIC-14

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