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Free to Be Women   versione testuale
The association "Profesionales por la ética" proposes the Declaration "Women of the World" in view of March 8th

"There is a feminine identity which is developed in its full dimension in complementarity and reciprocity with men. Women provide a unique contribution to stability in the family, the workforce, society and the common good. Women’s role in society must be developed in all aspects without discrimination, violence or exploitation, as part of the millennium challenges. There is a unique value and dignity in motherhood." These are some of the articles of the Declaration "Women of the World," a document promoted by the Spanish association "Profesionales por la ética" on the occasion of Women's Day.
"In recent years we have been bombarded with gender ideology, principles of radical feminism and alleged sexual and reproductive rights—says the president, Leonor Tamayo—, however this year will be different, and we will hear the voice of women who feel strong in their identity and in motherhood. The world needs, now more than ever, women in all their femininity, in complementarity with men." The Declaration that Tamayo invites us to sign will be presented internationally on March 8th, just "to make a mark and make it clear what we are and what we want to be."
"Motherhood—the document later states—is an advantage for women in the work place and profitable for society as a whole; women's dedication to the family does not suppress their personal or intellectual development, on the contrary, it consolidates their personality and the development of their feminine identity. Non-market work and the exclusive or prior dedication to the family is a social and economic value: the authentic emancipation of women entails the freedom to be and live as a woman," concludes the first part of the declaration, in the light of which recognition and universal respect for women, dignity and genuine equality between men and women in their complementarity and reciprocity, are requested. Among other things, demands are voiced for international policies that reconcile work and family life, for the recognition of women who care for the family as a labor group, and the ban on surrogacy, a violation of the dignity of both the surrogate mother and the child.
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