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The PCF arrives at the Frankfurt Book Fair   versione testuale
The stand of the Vatican Publishing House Libreria Editrice Vaticana will expose the works printed by our Pontifical Council, from the "Enchiridion of the family and of Life" to Pope Francis' Catecheses on the family

The Pontifical Council for the family is making its first appearance at the International Book Fair in Frankfurt, the world's most important literary festival, taking place this year from 14 to 18 October.
All works published by the PCF will be available to thousands of readers, paper and ink enthusiasts, at the stand of the Libreria Editrice Vaticana (LEV) organized in collaboration with the Vatican Museums.
The variegated offer, including the monumental "Enchiridion of the Family and of Life" (over 3500 pages, where you can find all the magisterial and pastoral documents from 1439 to Pope Francis) and very actual volumes such as "Family and Poverty", "The Family: The First Enterprise" and "The Family and Imperfect Love", wants to reach all types of readers, thanks to the light volumes of the series "Family on the Way": each volume has fifty pages full of text and photographs, capable of incisively attracting the attention, also of young readers, to the contemporary family. From this series, we would like to mention here only "Give us this day our daily bread—Pope Francis meets engaged couples", "Welcome, Council—Vatican II on the Family" and "The Synod—An Interview on the family with Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia."
While, on one hand, the book "Family, Protect Creation" invites all the domestic churches to increasingly appropriate the ecological message contained in the most recent Papal Encyclical, Laudato sì, on the other hand, the volume "Catholics and Orthodox Together for the Family" presents a tangible unity of efforts to strengthen our common Christian responsibility to propose marriage and the family as a path of holiness to contemporary couples.
There are some real bedside books in this delicate moment for the life of the Church, as the Assembly of Bishops on the Family is celebrated under the presidency of the Holy Father, for example: "Family and Church: An Indissoluble Bond. – An interdisciplinary contribution for the synodal reflection”, “The Teachings of Jorge Mario Bergoglio-Pope Francis on the Family and Life (1999-2014)" and the collection of Francis' latest Wednesday Catecheses on the family: "The Family. The World’s Generating Force."
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