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The Hospitality of an American Family   versione testuale
A beautiful story of friendship and integration during 2015 Philadelphia is told by a one of the meeting's participants from Peru

"One of the most beautiful experiences I've ever had in my life occurred a month ago, during my trip to Philadelphia, in the United States—3,595 miles away from Lima, Peru—, where I went to participate in the "World Meeting of Families." Although I set out from my homeland with enthusiasm, initially fear was always present. However, from the moment of my arrival in the house of the family that hosted me, I feel safe and integrated among its members, despite the social and cultural differences, and this allowed personal closeness that has led to the creation of a good friendship."
This is the beginning of the story of the adventure that Celia Ysabel Palacios, member of the board of the Peruvian University Network of Latin American Families (REDIFAM), lived a little over a month ago in Philadelphia and tells in an article that witnesses above all to the beauty of an American family (the Dougherty Williams: he is Catholic, she is Anglican, and they have five children), open to welcome pilgrims, brothers and sisters in Christ, including those who come from the most distant places.
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