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A Family Apostolate in South Africa   versione testuale
The Marfam Association has been working for years, with specialized publications, to make the beauty of marriage and the family known to the country's society

In South Africa, an association, created in civil society and in direct contact with the country's Episcopal Conference (SACBC), has, for many years, been actively supporting and promoting the family with its publications. Under the name MARFAM (Marriage and Family Life Renewal Ministry), the association constantly raises greater awareness of the needs of the family as domestic Church, while working to provide material apt for strengthening the family and marital spirituality.
This apostolic work is done primarily be means of yearly planners, quarterly booklets for reflection and sharing containing short Thoughts for the Day, and the magazine "Family matters - At Home, Church, School and Society," in which it is periodically possible to read news articles on the situation of the family South Africa; articles dealing with issues such as marriage and culture, Catholic divorce, widowhood, marriage preparation and sexuality. Furthermore, there many are also many interactive pages for children and couples that provide teaching about marriage and the family, thus dispelling many misconceptions.
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