papa famiglie
Pope Francis' Catechism 8. MALE AND FEMALE   versione testuale
Male and Female

Look at mom and dad: they are different, one of them is female and the other is male, and this difference can be seen in many occasions; but they like each other, they love one another, listen and help each other mutually, treat each other with respect and friendship; you too were born from their love! Sometimes they fight and unfortunately stop trusting each other: it's terrible when they become suspicious, distrustful, outright domineering. Sin always tries to destroy love.
Pope Francis, speaking about man and woman, read the beginning of the first book of the Bible, Genesis, and reminded everyone that man is not made to be alone: he needs someone suited for him, different from him, but able to communicate with him. God trusts man and woman, protects their friendship: they are his masterpiece!

The man finds woman, they meet and man must leave something in order to find her fully.
That is why man will leave his father and mother to go to her. It’s beautiful!
This means setting out on a new path.
Man is everything for woman and woman is everything for man.
Maybe women see things in a way that complements the thoughts of men.