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Reading to Grow in the Family   versione testuale
The 27th edition of the Catholic Book Expo is scheduled in Argentina, from 31 August to 13 September

This event takes the road of preparation for the next Synod. Under the title "Good Books to Grow in the Family," the 27th edition of the Catholic Book Expo is being held in Buenos Aires from 31 August to 13 September.
The gathering is primarily intended for young people, who, through a guided visit, will begin to experience the taste for reading. Many events are scheduled: in particular, on September 1st, a lecture on the theme "Follow Christ: The Perseverance of Persecuted Christians in the Middle East and the Freedom of the Children of God"; then, on September 3rd, a reflection on the Pope's Encyclical "Laudato si;" and, on the 4th, the commemoration of the liberation of the concentration camp of Auschwitz. Last but not least, on September 9th, there will be a lecture on "Reinterpreting Marriage and the Family. The Gender Ideology," and the 10th, with a look toward St. Alphonso’s Maria de Liguria, will be dedicated to the Jubilee of Mercy.
The event will end on September 13th with a Mass presided over by Bishop Juan Antonio Baseotto, military ordinary emeritus of Argentina, whose prayer intentions will all be focused on the next Synod, to support its course and its successful conclusion.
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