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Reason admits only one Marriage   versione testuale
The large following of the website dedicated to the topic by the Bishops of the United States

A website, in the two languages most widely spoken in the world—English and Spanish—, was created to explain and illuminate «the singular reality that the word “marriage” refers to: the faithful, fruitful, lifelong union of one man and one woman». This is an initiative of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the United States of America. The web address is Created two years ago, it has become one of the most visited sites in America for deepening key issues in the debate concerning marriage and the family, which has been intensified by the recent legislative reforms that question the meaning and value of marriage and of the traditional family, founded on the union of a man and a woman, recognized by the federal law in Defense of Marriage in force since 1996 and declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of Justice, last year in June, on «a tragic day for matrimony and for the American nation», as the Bishops put it.
This site, along with two other connected ones:  and, intends to bring into the field of the virtual universe «all the resources for the support, promotion and protection of marriage». The internal sections deal with crucial questions in the public debate on marriage—sexual difference, children, the common good, religious liberty and the family—, by exploring the “unique universal good in service of society and of the dignity of each human person,” through multimedia aids and by teaching both the catechism and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, as well as with a blog for discussion and analysis, and also, upon request, a bibliography.
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